Bavarian knitwear is looking fresh this winter

Freezing snowdrifts, steely ice, biting northerly winds: when it comes to winter, the Bavarians know what they’re talking about. And that’s why their traditional clothing is made primarily of highly protective materials like leather, wool, and loden.

And wool, with its versatile uses, warming fibres, and cuddly, soft feel is simply indispensable in winter. Which is why we’re delighted to be offering an extended range of woollen cardigans and jackets this year which is more varied and colourful than ever before. You’ll find everything from smart, structured tops cut like blazers that, especially with a long dirndl, will give you a genuine vintage look, through to softer, more relaxed models for comfortable everyday wear – all of it in a range of colours and with a real eye for detail.


Girls, especially, can look forward to a range of new items, from traditional pieces like Rosali in undyed beige that can be combined with almost everything through to Dill, a formal bolero-style cropped shoulder cardigan for evening wear, a free-flowing knitted top with ruffles and open stitching. Whether you’re after something smart and tailored that wouldn't be out of place at the office or something as feminine as possible for an eye-catching outfit like Ajour in pink, you’ll love our wool range.


Or why not go or something unusual like Kiwi green? It’s a traditionally-shaped cardigan with a modern twist that is just made for the new breed of fashionable ladies’ lederhosen. For many, though, the leather shorts that are so popular at the moment might be just a little too insubstantial for winter, so if you’re looking for a more classical look with a long-skirt dirndl or a nice pair of smart jeans, then it’s Bavarian knitwear like our Hilda model you’ll be looking for. This new interpretation of the classic ladies’ cardigan in a purled knitting pattern with additional floral edelweiss embroidery comes in soft pastel tones and can be worn for literally any occasion.


For the lads, the developments in cardigan fashion are, as you might expect, a little more conservative. Nevertheless, there’s a range of updates in Bavarian knitwear for men, too. The colours are the same as ever (anthrazite and graphite – i.e. grey, beige and brown - remain dominant) and give woollen jackets like Jan and Mitch a familiar granddad look, but trendy sew-on details, ribbed knits, an even hoods bring the pieces firmly into 2018. Nevertheless, the overall vintage shape and elbow patches anchors these pieces firmly in the heritage of the 1960s.

And that is just the way it should be: Bavarian fashion lives from its traditions, and anyone looking for proper winter clothing will be glad of it!

Über uns

Ein herzliches Willkommen sagt Ihnen Alpenclassics e.K. Tracht- & Landhausmode – schön, dass Sie den Weg zu uns gefunden haben. Dafür, dass er sich gelohnt hat, garantieren die edlen Materialien, strahlenden Farben sowie attraktiven Schnitte unserer Trachtenlederhosen, Dirndl und anderen Schmuckstücke. Stockerpoint Trachtenmode von A-Z. Mit unserer Trachten- und Landhausmode sind Sie immer bestens gekleidet – auf dem nächsten Volksfest ebenso wie zu vielen anderen Anlässen.


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